


Land of our fathers.

The interest in magic and mystery has been prompted by a number of television series  recently such as Game of Thrones, Xena and Vikings. However, Wales is a land of mystery and magic on its own and plays a pivotal role in the legends of King Arthur, Merlin and Camelot. You only have to visit the Wales Tourist Board site, to see that the links to  medieval adventure are still "alive".

Wales is a land rich in culture, food, art and tradition and if you are planning on visiting the ancient hill forts, standing stones and desolate hillsides then you will be inspired.

The other element of being in Wales is that the names that are now so familiar to you, from the television series, actually exists as real Welsh girl names (or boys) . You will find names such as Angharad are much more common than you think and other Welsh girl names such as Awena have roots deep in Celtic culture. 

Language is another interesting element of a visit to Wales. officially the language is English and many people speak this but you may also hear Welsh being spoken especially in relation to "standard"  terms such as the country name Cymru rather than wales and also in political parties, street names and so on.